TITANIUM. Chemical element, Ti, atomic number 22 and atomic weight 47.90. Its chemical behaviour shows many similarities with that of silica and zirconium, as an element belonging to the first transition group. Its chemistry in aqueous solution, especially in the lower oxidation states, has some similarities with that of chrome and vanadium. Titanium is a transition metal light with a white-silvery-metallic colour.

Titanium is a commonly used inert bio-implant material within the medical and dental fields. It is one of the most widely used materials for dental implants due to its mechanical strength and a long history of use. Current titanium is thought to be safe but in some cases, there are reports of problems caused by titanium.
There is no known biological role for titanium. In most of these problematic reports, only individual reports are dominant and comprehensive reporting has not been performed. Cause of these implant failures can be poor oral hygiene, uncontrolled deposition of plaque, and calculus around the implant which cause peri-implantitis or occlusal problems.

Titanium is commonly used in industrial applications such as coatings for pharmaceuticals, processing materials for gum and confections, food additives, and paints. It is also used in manufacturing associated with packing, milling and is used in the cleaning industry so titanium ends up in your food and water supply. In the medical field, titanium and titanium alloys have been used to fabricate various implantation and fixation systems. Many metal products have titanium added to increase strength.
With the widespread use of titanium, there are concerns regarding the adverse effects of titanium accumulation and its effects on the human body. Therefore, stability and potential hazards of it should also be evaluated and discussed.

Can Titanium cause health problems and does it have any side effects?
Titanium is not considered a toxic metal but it is a heavy metal and it does have serious negative health effects. Titanium has the ability to affect lung function causing lung diseases such as pleural disease, it can cause chest pain with tightness, breathing difficulties, coughing, irritation of the skin or eyes. It is carcinogenic and may also cause cancer.
Symptoms of titanium toxicity
Symptoms associated with titanium vary depending on the amount you are currently exposed to, here are some of the more common symptoms:
- Lung diseases
- Skin diseases (Eczema)
- Sinus congestion
- Cancer
- Vision problems
- Sexual weakness (Premature ejaculation)
- Bright’s disease (a disease involving chronic inflammation of the kidneys)
- Lupus (any of various diseases or conditions marked by inflammation of the skin)
Additional symptoms of titanium toxicity
Titanium has the ability to interact with the essential mineral silica, therefore signs and/or symptoms of silica deficiency can be an indication of a titanium excess.
It’s important to understand that vitamin & mineral supplementation can NOT resolve titanium toxicity and may cover up symptoms leading to bigger problems. Detoxification of titanium is essential to properly restoring vitamin and mineral imbalances.
Silica deficiency – soft or brittle nails, premature wrinkles, thinning or loss of hair, poor bone development and osteoporosis can all be indications of titanium toxicity.

Titanium toxicity & genetics
Some people are genetically predisposed to titanium toxicity. This is because certain genes belonging to liver detoxification pathways that normally deal with titanium detoxification have been deleted. In these cases, a genetics test can confirm and a specialized nutritional program can help the individual detoxify barium.
Upcoming Seminar on Titanium Particles and Peri-Implantitis
Peri-implantitis has been receiving attention following recent studies that showed that it is highly prevalent and difficult to manage. This course will provide the latest evidence-based information on peri-implant diseases with emphasis on a team/interdisciplinary approach to treatment. The program will present the updates on the definition and etiology of peri-implantitis from the American Academy of Periodontology 2018 consensus meeting. The instructor will present research findings on risk factors for peri-implant disease and preventive measures to incorporate into the implant treatment plan prior to implant placement that include implant treatment planning, material selection for cementation, restorative design and maintenance. In addition, the program will review innovative therapeutic protocols for disease prevention and treatment and recent advancements in Implant cleaning instruments and chemotherapeutics.
Learning Objectives:
- Review the New 2018 classification of peri-implant diseases and conditions.
- Assess Titanium implant corrosion as an etiologic factor for implant failure.
- Determine the implant of professional cleaning on titanium surface damage.
- Describe the steps of an efficacious implant-driven peri-implantitis therapy protocol.
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What makes titanium implants toxic and cause allergic and autoimmune reactions?
[Allergic potential of titanium implants]
Schuh A, Thomas P, Kachler W, Göske J, Wagner L, Holzwarth U, Forst R.
The aim of this investigation is to evaluate the allergic potential of titanium and titanium alloys for surgical implant applications.
Discs cut from rods supplied by five different titanium suppliers in several diameters were investigated. The samples were cp-Titanium as well as Ti6Al4 V and Ti6Al7Nb, 6 mm thick with a diameter of between 6 and 60 mm. The material was checked by optical spectral analysis.
In all samples except iodidtitanium, a Nickel content of 0.012-0,034 wt% could be detected.
The low nickel content in the implant material results from the production process. The nickel atoms are in solid solution in the titanium lattice. Nickel allergic patients may develop hypersensitivity reactions even due to this low nickel content. Hence, this reaction may be falsely attributed to the titanium material itself. Measurements of ion concentration in the body are helpful for quantifying the maximum content of nickel in titanium materials for surgical implant applications. In addition, technical questions related to the production of nickel free titanium materials for allergic patients have to be solved.
PMID: 15706453
Very informative article. Thank you!
Oral factors affecting titanium elution and corrosion: an in vitro study using simulated body fluid.
Suito H, Iwawaki Y, Goto T, Tomotake Y, Ichikawa T.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics and Oral Implantology, Institute of Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan.
Ti, which is biocompatible and resistant to corrosion, is widely used for dental implants, particularly in patients allergic to other materials. However, numerous studies have reported on Ti allergy and the in vitro corrosion of Ti. This study investigated the conditions that promote the elution of Ti ions from Ti implants.
Specimens of commercially pure Ti, pure nickel, a magnetic alloy, and a gold alloy were tested. Each specimen was immersed in a simulated body fluid (SBF) whose pH value was controlled (2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.4, and 9.0) using either hydrochloric or lactic acid. The parameters investigated were the following: duration of immersion, pH of the SBF, contact with a dissimilar metal, and mechanical stimulus. The amounts of Ti ions eluted were measured using a polarized Zeeman atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
Eluted Ti ions were detected after 24 h (pH of 2.0 and 3.0) and after 48 h (pH of 9.0). However, even after 4 weeks, eluted Ti ions were not detected in SBF solutions with pH values of 5.0 and 7.4. Ti elution was affected by immersion time, pH, acid type, mechanical stimulus, and contact with a dissimilar metal. Elution of Ti ions in a Candida albicans culture medium was observed after 72 h.
Elution of Ti ions in the SBF was influenced by its pH and by crevice corrosion. The results of this study elucidate the conditions that lead to the elution of Ti ions in humans, which results in implant corrosion and Ti allergy.
PMID: 23762461
I have a titanium plate due to brain surgery. My plate site has been sore and itchy (externally). Can this be an allergic reaction?
I suffer from titanium dioxide allergy amd have a 4 level fusion. I am having the worst time trying to get treatment. My symptoms are atypical of most Vasculitis and no one has done arterial and Venus diagnostic testing.
I get seizures, uncontrolled HTN, skin eashes and itching all over, steady high weight regardless of ldecrease in size of my fat deposits, thickened skin systemically, fibrosis (chemo) veins, and constant pain. There are more affects i am experiencing.
My body has literally been trying to extract the metal from my neck. So far 1 plate, confirmed by xray, has been broken. In my case my body is trying to rid itself of the metal so it breaks it down and then the metal ions attach to protein complexes in the body. That complex is what causes the allergic response.
I k n ow something else snapped in my neck because my blood pressure bottomed out amd a coworker almost started CPR on me. Since then my symptoms are much worse. I cannot find an MD willing to treat me.
I would like to know this as well I had a meningioma brain tumor removed and then a titanium plate over my skull. What are the long term effects?
I have Ti implants in my neck. I have many symptoms, but blood tests come back ok. CT scans & MRI’s show reactive lymph nodes, lung spots that were followed for 3 years for cancer (but stayed unchanged) scarring in both lungs, but no idea why. Coughing up clear mucus. Shortness of breathe. Numbness & itching from head to lower rib cage. Fatigue & weakness. Lots of hair loss (head & eyebrows). Headaches. The symptoms continue to mount & worsen as the years go bye (6 1/2 yrs). I have been to many drs. All have done the test they thought it was, but when the test came back negative that was the end of everything & I’m back to starting over again with another dr. But none of them can explain why I have swollen lymph nodes, scarring & spots in my lungs. Things that the tests do show. Has anyone seen a dr. that has done a Titanium toxicity (MELISA) test? And if so, who is this Dr? How did you get the dr. to believe you to do the test? Need help & answers. I believe I’m running out of time.
Me too but a hemangioma with the titanium plate 24 years ago. I’m having many types of symptoms. I’m going from doctor to doctor I didn’t think to mention the titanium plate
I had titanium implant (dental) two years ago and I’m now experiencing terrible swellings not just oraly all over my body my blood pressure is extremely high during these flare ups which are nightly I’m so lethargic it’s affecting my work I can only put it down to my implant as this is the only change to my body before this occurred 😢
I had an implant and after a year feeling sick every day I removed it and now I am feeling better…still some days I am sick but the days are getting fewer. I did a Melissa test and I still didn’t show as allergic to titanium. Now I am redoing the implant with zirconium…let see if it gets better. I have a feeling in my case it was nerve ending damage
Similar issues upon reading this so thought I would share my story – I’ve experienced a host of medical issues after getting a titanium dental implant to replace a baby tooth where I didn’t get a proper adult tooth at age 30. I never had any reason to visit the doctor before getting the implant. The symptoms I’ve had now for the past 4 years align to Chronic Fatigue System (tiredness, exercise intolerance, neurological symptoms – headaches, dizziness, poor balance and rashes, high heart rate and high blood pressure when standing). All other blood tests and brain MRI show no issues. I got a Melisa test which shows an allergy to titanium sulphate (what the titanium particles become when mixing with your bodily fluid/cells per my basic understanding). I just got the allergy results before covid hit and now have found a biological dentist who has agreed to remove the implant. My local doctor agreed to take the blood for the Melisa testing, but my experience is that you need to go armed with the info, as well as arranging the mailing to the Melisa lab, although this is fairly straightforward. I am really hoping to recover my health when I get the implant removed in the next few weeks but am worried that this will have caused lasting damage or triggered this ill health.
I have had titanium rods,plates,n screws from c4 thru c7 n March 2021 n 2 more surgeries that followed n May 2021..I suffer so much with neck pain,headaches, unidentified skin markings, can’t find a neurologist to see me because I have too much metal n me for them to b n risk of some lifetime damage to b at stake. ..where do I ti
It. For help
I had 3 titanium rods placed in my SI joints, 5 weeks after surgery, I began to have swelling in various parts of my body with severe pain – hands, feet, knees and area where rods were placed. All blood tests for allergies, etc. have come back negative. This has been going on for almost 4 years, Medications, don’t help. I feel like I am at the end. My dr, is now going to do heavy metal testing. One surgeon attempted to remove the rods without success because the bone had grown around them. No other dr. is willing to take the risk of taking them out because I could end up in a wheelchair. A wheelchair would be welcome at this point.
I read these statements and sypathise with all off you , listen to this ive got 54 staples on my main artery entering my heart , this is from exploritory surgery in 1982 ,stg 4 cancer , fused neck with plate and cage and screws , complete knee replacement , i read all of your storys and issues , the human body is not supposed to have titanium in it , ive got other issues , to i do wonder about the staples leaching toxicity into my blood , unfortunately theres to much money involved in this they will never admit it , , i also had an extensive chemo experiment in 82 i really know things they dont talk about , key word money, thers 2 super computers on this planet that can solve any question entered into them , im sorry for all of you your not alone
I also had fusion done in my neck at first it was only a rash and swollen near incision site progressing to my rash all around my face and neck also horrible pain, shortness of breath, and swelling throughout arms legs which has progressed and now I’m having congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema. I feel as though it’s related to implants done in neck surgery
Hello I hope you are doing well now, does metal blood test showed titanium?
I’ve had chest , right breast painful always feels inflamed hot sore pain goes to chest breast around rib area all right side. Years of crying pain er visits urgent care . Kept getting diagnosed with fibromyalgia. For years. All weekend after another ER visit I kept researching and researching the Google. When I put in constant right breast pain feels like inflammation. Then titanium toxic I thought omg I had a biopsy breast marker that I had done several years ago. Today I am going to my doctor and telling him I wanted this removed. I mean omg after several years with chronic pain chronic fatigue weight loss was 167 now 96 pounds . Had every blood work you could imagine mri s x rays like is it really this simple omg did I find my own cure !!! I’m so excited to see the dr today please let this be the answer after years of Bed ridden pain quit my job so much pain I don’t live any more I’m soaking epson salt baths 3/4 times a day everyday cheating pads multi medications multiple sedated injections. Please lord let this be the answer!! Years being diagnosed for fibromyalgia pain management for six years steroid injections every three months for six years
Please email me at kathymseal@gmail if anyone else has had these reactions from titanium placed in body mines from biopsy from a lump they placed a marker showing where it was taken from leaving a titanium marker