Simple and efficient processes
ZERAMEX® P6 offers great flexibility with its threaded connection and ceramic abutments.

Simple and efficient processes
ZERAMEX® P6 offers great flexibility with its threaded connection and ceramic abutments.
ZERAMEX® P6 offers great flexibility with its reversible threaded connection and ceramic abutments. The lean, uncomplicated portfolio offers many options to choose from.
Different shoulder heights and angles make it possible to find the correct abutment in every case for an aesthetically demanding, 100% metal-free individual-tooth restoration.
The ZERAMEX® P6 implant system offers various abutments for optimal anchoring of an implant-supported full denture in an edentulous jaw.
The ZERAMEX® Locator® is used for securely fixing a full denture on implants. The various retention inserts with different retention forces facilitate individual restoration.
NOTE: The Locator® abutments are bonded into the dental implant. The straight or angled prefabricated abutments are suitable for bars and telescopes.
The ZERAMEX® healing cap, gingiva former and temporary abutment help to achieve the desired shape of the peri-implant soft tissue after the healing phase. The gingiva formers are available in two heights. The temporary abutment made of PEEK allows individual temporary restoration.
A decisive further development of the ZERAMEX® P6 system is the precision connection that is created in combination with the carbon fibre reinforced VICARBO® screw. This minimises bacterial deposits.
The correct, permanent fit of the screw-retained abutment promotes the long-term success of the treatment. This screwed ceramic-ceramic connection is a precision, stress-free fit.
The high-strength zirconium dioxide P6 abutment (ZrO2-ATZ-HIP) lies precisely on the implant shoulder.
The new carbon-ceramic technology provides exceptionally high strength. The core is the VICARBO® screw made of reinforced, high performance carbon fiber threads.
It is characterised by excellent isoelastic properties and demonstrates clear strengths: It is metal-free, biocompatible according to ISO 10993 for long-term implants and nestles into the given contour.
This is also proven by the technical values:
The continuous carbon fibres running parallel to the mould durably absorb the tensile forces and give the VICARBO® screw its high strength.
The ZERAMEX® P6 ceramic implant is based on a design that represents one of the most scientifically documented implant systems and is characterised by a low loss rate.
In practice, the ZERAMEX® P6 ceramic implant has proven to be an easy and efficient ceramic implant to work with. It is placed with a similar surgical protocol to the Straumann® Standard Plus dental implant. ZERAMEX® is offered with its own instrument kit. A special transfer part (pickup) for insertion and a prosthetic key are required.
The implants are available in three endosseous diameters (3.3; 4.1; 4.8 mm) and two prosthetic platforms (4.0; 4.8 mm).
The ZERAFIL™ surface is a micro-structured implant surface that enables decisive osseointegration of the dental implants.
The success rate of ZERAMEX® implants with a ZERAFIL™ surface is approx. 98.0 percent, depending on the system, and bears witness to the decisive osseointegration thanks to the optimum surface structure. The hydrophilic implant surface ZERAFIL™ is sandblasted and etched so that osteoblasts grow directly up to the implant and firm adhesion to the implant surface is achieved.
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