Tag Archives: Emerginnova

Ceramic Implants: A New Reality in Implantology | 9th IAOCI WORLD CONGRESS 2020


The 2020 IAOCI World Congress, in New Orleans, LA, is an international dental meeting with a first-rate scientific program delivered by top international, regional and national speakers. The academy through this yearly congress promotes and delivers innovative and forward-thinking ideas through workshops, lectures and symposia that enhance the understanding of and the rationale for ceramic implants.

Poor oral health linked to higher blood pressure, worse blood pressure control

Oral Health connected with Blood pressure

People with high blood pressure taking medication for their condition are more likely to benefit from the therapy if they have good oral health, according to new research in the American Heart Association’s journal Hypertension.

ADA 2019: New perio classifications help improve patient care

Whole Body Health - New Perio Classification

September 5, 2019 — SAN FRANCISCO – Updates to periodontitis and peri-implant disease classifications can help dental professionals improve the care of their patients, according to a presentation at the 2019 ADA FDI World Dental Congress.

Post-extraction implants, Insertion Torque Value (ITV) & ISQ

Dr. Barry Levin at Osstell's 11th Scientific Symposium

How to value each measurement and when to restore implants in immediate and grafted sites. This presentation features clinical cases from a private practice, supported by clinical studies performed by Dr. Barry Levin.

Oral health remains top medical concern in U.S.

Oral Health Concerns

September 24, 2019 — U.S. patients are more concerned about their oral health than any other health issue, and the problem is compounded by patients’ limited access to dental care, according to a September 23 research report by DentaQuest.

Does poor oral health impact brain function?

Oral Health's impact to the brain

The International Journal of Dental Hygiene recently released an article, “Success of non‐surgical periodontal therapy in adult periodontitis patients‐a retrospective analysis,” that studied adult patients who had undergone periodontal treatment.