About the Doctor

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Michael Stiller
Website | Email: [email protected]

Dr. Barbara Peleska
Email: [email protected]
ZERAMEX® XT - Immediate Placement: site # 21
1- : Clinical situation: Narrow jaw with an overjet of 9 mm. Buccal view.
2- : Clinical situation: Narrow jaw with an overjet of 9 mm. Lateral view.
3- Tooth 21 had a massive palatal and sub- gingival carious lesion
4- Tooth 21 removed.
5-Zeramex XT RB 4,2mm x 14mm implant - mounted on a Zeramex pickup, ready for insertion
6- XT implant inserted into prepared alveola with Zeramex pickup instrument.
7-Implant in situ with good primary stability.
8- Healing cover
9- Difference between buccal and palatal gingival margins due to overjet.
10- Transfer sleeve inserted to check axis.
11- Control OPG - post-op | XT with RB straight abutment.
12-Temporary crown bonded to RB straight abutment.
13-Temporary crown screwed in place with Vicarbo screw.
14-Site # 21 after 6 months- ready for final impression.
15- Modified open transfer sleeve for final impression.
16- VPS impression with transfer sleeve ready to be sent to laboratory.
17- Final crown/abutment assembly with Vicarbo screw mounted on prosthetic key.
18- Final restoration # 21 - buccal view. Note excellent soft tissue appearance and colour.
20- AFTER - Buccal view: Fully reversible final restoration on # 21, screwed in place without any cement.
21- AFTER - Lateral view: Excellent emergence profile, soft tissue contour and excellent condition, especially compared to the initial situation.
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